About Us

The Photo Journalism Prize was created by the founders of International Photo Awards and Paris Photo Prize. The Photo Journalism Prize is open to anyone who has captured impactful moments from events they witnessed. This award highlights the significant role of citizen journalism, recognizing the dedicated efforts of individuals who strive to bring important stories to light. By offering a platform for these voices, the prize emphasizes the value of firsthand eyewitness accounts, especially in an era where traditional media often fails to capture the full picture.

In today’s world, where international media has become increasingly biased, the need for unfiltered and authentic perspectives is more critical than ever. Citizen journalists play a vital role in filling this gap, providing raw and unedited insights into global events. The Photo Journalism Prize acknowledges this essential contribution, ensuring that these invaluable narratives are not overlooked. By celebrating the efforts of these individuals, the award fosters a more inclusive and diverse media landscape, where truth and accuracy are paramount.

Awards like the Photo Journalism Prize are crucial in promoting and sustaining the momentum of citizen journalism. They not only recognize the hard work and bravery of these individuals but also inspire others to document and share their own experiences. As citizen journalism continues to flourish, the Photo Journalism Prize stands as a testament to the power of grassroots reporting and the promising future it holds. This recognition helps to validate the importance of every citizen’s voice in the ongoing dialogue about global events, encouraging a more engaged and informed public.

We hope this recognition helps to validate the importance of every citizen’s voice in the ongoing dialogue about global events, encouraging a more engaged and informed public.


Breaking News


Daily Life



Human Rights

Photographic Essay

Political Events

Sport Events

Women’s Rights/Issues

Please Send Us Suggestions For Other Categories


The PJP will be juried by a group of experts with unbiased views based on these Judging criteria: News Value, Human Interest, Visual Storytelling, Versatility, Photographic Quality, Editing, Writing, and Overall Reporting




Cash Prize

Awarded to the best overall story with the most impact. Each jury member rates submissions from 1 to 100 points. The highest-rated submission will receive the first prize.



Cash Prize

The Jury Selection Prize. Each jury member will pick the three most important submissions to them. The submission chosen most frequently by the jury will receive the second prize.



Cash Prize

The Founders Prize. The founding members select one or more submissions they would like to share with the public.

All submissions rated over 70 points will be listed as prize winners and will receive a PDF winner’s certificate and seal to promote their special achievement.


Image Submission

How many photographs can I enter into the same series?

A series should comprise a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 photographs, with one serving as the primary image and the remaining 9 acting as supporting pictures. These photographs should revolve around a unified theme or concept and be titled accordingly. It’s crucial that the images in the series harmonize and function collectively as a cohesive body of work, as they will be evaluated as a whole.

A series is composed of a minimum of two and a maximum of ten photographs that share a common theme or concept, along with a single title. It is crucial to ensure that your images function cohesively as a whole, as they will be evaluated as a unified body of work and not as individual pieces when submitted as a series. Additionally, it is recommended that the first image in the series is the most outstanding or impactful among them all.

After completing the online submission form, which requires essential information such as your credit name, entry title (using only letters and spaces, no symbols), description, and category selection, you will proceed to the upload page. On the upload page, you will be able to upload your photos and include them as part of your entry.

For digital images, please ensure they are saved in the RGB format and do not exceed 4000px and 4 MB per file. It is recommended to save them as JPG with high compression, and ensure that the image has a minimum of 1,000 pixels on the longest side.

When naming your files, please use your last name followed by the title of the image. Avoid using symbols or spaces in the file name.

In the case of a series submission, please number the images accordingly and upload them in order of importance. Remember that the first image should be the strongest or most impactful one in the series.

Ensure that the file is saved in the JPG format, and verify that the name of the file contains only letters and numbers, excluding any other characters or symbols.

Please note that there are two steps involved in uploading your images on the upload page. First, select the desired image by clicking the “Browse” button. Once the image is selected, click on “Send Image” to initiate the upload process. Repeat these steps for each image you wish to submit.

If you encounter any difficulties during the upload process despite following these steps, you can try refreshing the main submission page. Alternatively, for further assistance, please contact our support desk at support@photojournalism.com.

Certainly! You are allowed to submit the same photograph into multiple categories of your choice. In fact, doing so can potentially enhance your chances of winning, as your photograph will be considered for recognition in each category entered. Feel free to explore various categories and maximize your opportunities for success.

You are allowed to submit multiple entries in as many categories as you desire. There are no restrictions on the number of entries or categories you can participate in. Feel free to submit your entries across multiple categories to increase your chances of success.

Yes, all photographs submitted should have been taken within the previous year. This requirement ensures that the entries are recent and reflects the current work of the photographers. Please make sure that the photographs you submit were captured during the specified time frame.

Certainly! You are allowed to submit work that has been previously entered in the PJP (or another photography competition), or even work that has previously won an award. However, it is worth noting that there is an emphasis on promoting the creation of new work and encouraging a fresh flow of ideas. Therefore, it is highly encouraged to submit new and original work whenever possible. This helps to foster creativity and ensure a diverse range of submissions.

The Entry History feature enables you to track the status of your submissions, including whether they are “Outstanding,” “Completed,” or if they have been recognized as “winners.” It provides a convenient way to verify that your images have been uploaded correctly. Additionally, you can utilize this feature to print receipts for your records. It offers a comprehensive overview of your submission activity and ensures transparency throughout the process.

Upon submitting your work, you should expect to receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards. If you do not receive the email, it is recommended to verify the accuracy of your email address in our records. You can do so by logging into the Member Section and selecting “Edit Profile.” 

If you are using spam-blocking software, kindly ensure that “www.dev.photojournalizmprize.com” is added to your approved list of recipients to prevent any potential filtering issues.

In the event that you have completed these steps and still haven’t received an email, please log into the Member Section and click on “Entry History” to view the status of your submission. This will provide further information and help address any concerns regarding the confirmation of your submission.

Use of Images

Rest assured that your images are solely utilized for the promotion of the Photo Journalism Prize and no other purposes. The organizers of the competition have a strong commitment to respecting the rights and privacy of photographers. Up to this point, all participating photographers have expressed great satisfaction and appreciation for the way their images have been showcased and promoted on a global scale. Your work will be handled with utmost care and used exclusively for the intended purpose of promoting the Photo Journalism Prize.

One of the remarkable aspects of this competition is its extensive global reach. If your image is selected for recognition, such as a magazine ad for the PJP, or a postcard for the PJP, it will receive full credit and be viewed by audiences around the world. Your work will be showcased in galleries across various countries, including Italy, Poland, England, the US, Cambodia, France, Canada, Germany, and more. Additionally, your images may appear in magazine ads featured in top photographic journals in India, Russia, Greece, Japan, and many other nations. The potential destinations and promotional opportunities for your work are boundless.

It is important to note that by participating in the competition and achieving placement, you are consenting to have your work included in the annual PJP publication. This publication serves as a comprehensive showcase of the entire collection of winning images, further amplifying the exposure and recognition of your work.

While there is no monetary compensation provided for the use of your image, it’s important to note that if your image is selected for a purpose other than the promotion of the competition, you will be contacted beforehand. This contact serves as an opportunity for you to exercise your choice and decline the use of your work for that particular purpose. The organizers of the competition value the rights and preferences of photographers and ensure that you have a say in how your work is utilized beyond the competition’s promotional activities.

The Judging Process

The official judging process of the PJP competition spans several weeks and involves a panel of esteemed judges who are experts in the field from different parts of the world. Each entry is evaluated and assigned a rating on a scale of 10 to 100, with 10 being the lowest score. The scores from all judges are then compiled, and the winners are determined based on the cumulative votes of the jury. To ensure a fair and unbiased voting process, the identity of all photographers is kept hidden from the jury.

PJP provides specific criteria to the judges for reviewing the images. These criteria include evaluating the entries based on originality, creativity, excellence of execution, overall impact, and relevance to the specific category. These guidelines assist the judges in making their assessments and selecting the most deserving entries for recognition.


Winners will be announced 6 weeks after the close of the final submission deadline has closed.

As soon as the Jury selection is complete, all winning images will be posted on the PJP website and a notification email will be sent to the photographers who have won a prize. Winners are also announced through PJP’s other communication channels.

Though we do notify award winners by email, sometimes notifications get caught in server or mail filters. Fortunately, you can always check to see if you’ve won any awards by logging into your member profile and clicking on History tab, and looking at “Winning Entries”.

All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners receive a Winner Certificate and a Winner Seal/Logo. These winner assets can be accessed and downloaded on the “Winning Entries” link on your PJP Member “History” page.